Read this if you feel fat, tired, stiff, or old.

I want to tell you a story about how I felt before I went to my very first yoga class.

Actually, let's rewind; I will tell you about my first and my second yoga class experiences. 

My first yoga class was at a gym, I went with a friend who told me how great yoga was and how much she loved the practice. 

I didn't know anything about yoga besides what I had seen on the cover of a few magazines at the grocery store [remember those, I'm old school] and thought it looked pretty "chill".

So I went with her. What could I lose?

It was anything BUT chill. It sucked.

It was super fast paced, the teacher didn't explain anything, I was out of breath, and frustrated as hell. 

I was mortified that I "couldn't do the moves" and I told myself a story that I couldn't do them because I was "too fat" and that was that. 

I would resign to the fact that I would just never go to yoga again because clearly I wasn't cut out for it. 

Years later I was in a LOT of pain. 

I could barely walk a block without having to stop and "stretch" so I could go further. 

My back was on fire when I stood up, my legs were stiff, I could barely reach down to put my shoes on [let alone tie them, so I made sure everything was a slip on]. 

I wasn't sleeping well. I was cranky because I was in a constant level of pain. And I didn't know what to do. 

Was this a part of being "old"? Is this just what happens?

[I was 27 at the time and thought that was old...]

But I literally thought that this was how I was going to live the rest of my life. 

I had gone to the dr. on a completely unrelated note to my back and something told me to look up a yoga class.

Do you ever have those intuitive downloads but aren't sure where that crazy idea came from?

I started looking up yoga classes for beginners because what I did before clearly wasn't for a beginner like me. 

I found a place where the teacher had tattoos, looked like she swore [she did], and wasn't the "yoga model" type.


I was nervous as heck to go to that first class.

I was late.

And I didn't have a mat. 

I wore some stretchy pants that I had for years, but this was the first time they would be doing yoga. 

What happened in that class was nothing short of magical. 

I felt like I could breathe again. 

The worries and stories that I had told myself about yoga, that I had told myself about who I was, had somehow melted away and I felt "light". 

I slept like a rock that night. 

And my pain had gone from about an 8 to a 3. In a single class. 

I was hooked. I wanted to feel that good all the time and if yoga was going to be the thing that did that for me, well...sign me up!

Since then, after creating a regular practice that I could maintain, I have released that pain from my body. 

It shows up every now and again when I slip back into my old ways of sitting or standing for long periods of time, but I have the tools to correct it. 

I feel fresh, centred, energized, and downright youthful when I practice and it is glorious. 

Tell me, have you practiced yoga before? Was it amazing and you left floating? Or was it horrifying and you swore you would never go back?


Nothing Was Working