messages from the universe

Why Tarot:


By the light of the moon.

A shift in perspective.

Intuitive insight. 

Oracle + tarot cards are tools that I use to gather insight from the other world / universe. By asking questions they provide intuitive insight for some of your deepest questions.

Messages sometimes leads to course correction but often they inspire you to take the leap that you need to live your fullest life. 

We are returning to the times where women gather and share our intuition and talents with each other. Seeing for each other. Reconnecting from the disconnection that we have been taught to live by. And shining the light; illuminating the darkest corners of our soul. 

What You Can Expect from a Reading:


Come to the reading as an open vessel ready to hear messages from the universe. 

I will light some candles, intuitively choose a blend of essential oils to diffuse, lead you through a clearing meditation and then we will begin to pull cards for your reading. 

Take a few deep breaths before our session. Pour yourself a cup of something delicious. Get your notebook and fave pen out to jot down any questions or intuitive hits you receive from the reading. 

Who me?

  • Is your intuition calling you to seek out answers?

  • Do you feel like you are at an intersection in life and don’t know which path to take?

  • Are you called to learn more about yourself?

  • Do oracle and tarot cards intrigue you?

These readings are messages for your soul. It’s time to open up and listen.

Full Moon

Tarot Reading

These readings are only available once every moon cycle for 3 days around the full moon.

They are a recorded voice note that is sent to you along with a picture of the card that was drawn for you.

Along with your reading you will get information about the full moon and the astrological energy of the current season.


Tarot Reading

In this 45 minute reading we go in depth around your current situation and what the next steps are for you.

Not sure if you should make the move? Should you leave the job you’ve held for years? Want to know more about love and relationships; this reading will give you the guidance that you need to ensure that you feel good about the next steps.


Tarot Reading + Intuitive Coaching

You don't have to wait until for the new year to see what lies ahead. Book this when you feel like you are on the edge of starting something new, celebrating a birthday, or finding your way back home again.

This reading is 90 minutes and includes intuitive coaching, crystal, plant medicine, and/or book recommendations that align with the messages that come up for you.


A Year Ahead

Tarot Reading

Celebrate a new year, a turning of the wheel, a birthday, or an anniversary. This reading is a ceremony to commemorate a transition in your life.

This is a 60 minute online reading that will look into the big themes for the 12 months ahead and call upon allies that can help us navigate what comes up.

Pour yourself a tea and settle in as we call in what the universe has in store for you.




Are you a psychic / medium?

I am not a psychic or medium; I am a conduit between two worlds of knowing and not-yet-knowing. 

Our readings are messages from the universe that come by way of my intuition.

What are some questions that people ask?

Typically people want to know more about what direction in life they are supposed to take and are often at a crossroads. You can ask things like 

What should I do about x in my life

What do I need to do to accomplish x

What is the next career / life / relationship step? What am I not seeing?

I am interested in a reading but this out of my budget

If you are compelled to have a reading and can not pay in full, reach out to me and we can work something out. I have worked with karma exchanges and sliding scale before.