Create a Full Moon Ritual

The full moon has a reputation for being mysterious. It has been rumoured to change people’s behaviours and bring out werewolves and witches.

The full moon is the part of the moon cycle where things can be fully seen, even the things that we try to keep hidden under the darkness of the night. 

It is a great opportunity for a ritual in seeing what hasn’t quite made it out of the darkness of our consciousness. It is for shining light on obstacles that we encounter and ask for perspective [light] around it. 

Those who are able to bring things to light become POWERFUL. So the reason the patriarchy [and pop culture] has led us to be scared of the full moon is because it can bring to light so many things that can help us know ourselves better. 

What do we say when the patriarchy wants to hold us back from being our most expressed and authentic life? #ftp [fuck the patriarchy]

On the full moon we do that by creating a ceremony and ritual around the light of the moon. 

First let’s demystify some concepts before we make them mystical for ourselves again:

A ritual is really an opportunity for you to set up a practice that is with intention. This can be something as simple as how we brush our teeth; slowly and intentionally to clean each tooth. 

This ritual links into a bigger concept of how we care for ourselves. Is it mindless, as quickly as possible “just to get it done”? Or is it with care and kindness, treating our bodies like the temples that they are?

We can take simple everyday tasks and make them sacred depending on how we perform them. The more sacredness you can bring into your life, the more magical your life can be. 

Elements of a Full Moon Ritual

Build an Altar

Set up a corner of your desk, dresser, table, or create a new space that is elevated off the ground. Although altars can also be in nature on the ground, in our homes you can elevate your altar to heighten the sacredness of the items that you are going to lay out. 

An altar can really consist of anything, but the intention is to put things on it that you either are manifesting, recognizing, or beautifying. 

Some examples are:

  • Crystals or rocks that you have collected from places you have traveled

  • Photos of people you admire or love 

  • Essential oils / sacred scents / incense that you want to adorn yourself with or use the magic of during this time 

  • A pendulum to ask clarifying questions

  • Tarot or oracle cards 

  • A piece of jewelry

  • Plants 

  • A lock of your pet who has crossed over the rainbow bridge

  • Something that is sacred to you

Light a Candle

Candles symbolize shining a light on what we need to see. I often light my favorite beeswax candles on my altar where my ceremony is performed.

Choose an Element That You Want To Work WIth

The magic of the full moon is that you can choose an element, concept, or object that you want to work with or you can use the elements of the astrological sign that the moon is moving through.

This could be a crystal, essential oil, or plant. You could use honey to remind you of the sweetness that life has to offer us. Use your intuition to see what is calling to you. 

Sit in Contemplation

Get comfy [put on those comfy pants!] and sit somewhere that allows you to be still for a few minutes. Set a timer if this helps you. Play some soft music in the background. Ask yourself what you need to know right now. What needs to come to light? And wait for the answers. Take mental note and you may want to jot a few lines down after you come out of your meditation / contemplation. Don’t be surprised if it is something you hadn’t thought of before. 

Take a Bath

Use some of the elements that you chose for this full moon and put them in or around the bathtub. Light a candle. Do your contemplation from the tub. Soak longer than you normally would. 

Go Out Into The Moonlight

This is the time for you to go for a walk under the light of the moon. Sit outside on your balcony and let the light of the moon shine on you. Or go for a late night drive out in the country to smell the fresh air and see if you can spot fireflies [sacred around the full moon]. Do something that allows you to bathe in the light of the moon. 


The full moon is actually a time for celebration. You can finally “see” what needs to be seen. Put on some music and sensually or frantically move your body. Laugh. Breathe deep. Feel into yourself. 

These are simple elements that you have in and around your home that you can use to create a full moon ritual. It’s time to bring the sacred back to the everyday.

I would love to hear what your fave elements to use around the full moon are or what you would like to bring into your ceremony below. 

Share this post with anyone who is struggling or needs a bit more connection to themselves and mother earth around the full moon.

I do fun little full moon tarot card readings each cycle. It’s a 1 card reading and I send you a voice note with the messages from the moon + cards, straight to your inbox.

If you would like to book one with me, head over to my tarot reading page and you can find out more there.


Nothing Was Working